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South Korea: Court upholds President Park Geun-hye's impeachment;protests erupt

By Paula Hancocks and Euan McKirdy, CNN

Updated 0538 GMT (1338 HKT) March 10, 2017

Link : http://edition.cnn.com/2017/03/09/asia/south-korea-park-guen-hye-impeachment-upheld/

Seoul, South Korea - South Korea's Constitutional Court has upheld a decision by the country's National Assembly to impeach President Park Geun-hye over alleged corruption.

* uphold : (법, 원칙 등을) 유지시키다, (이전의 판결을)확인하다, (요구 사항의 타당성을)인정하다

* impeach : 탄핵[고발]하다, ~에 대해 의문[의혹]을 제기하다

* allege : (증거 없이)혐의를 제기하다[주장하다]

* corruption : (특히 권위 있는 위치에 있는 사람들의)부패[타락], 오염, 변질

* alleged corruption : 비리 의혹

The unprecedented decision was unanimous, with all eight judges on the court voting to remove Park, the country's first female president, from office. South Koreans immediately took to the streets, with some groups protesting against the decision and others celebrating her removal from power.

* unprecedented : 전례 없는 

* unanimous : 만장[전원]일치의

Two people died in the protests, a statement from Prime Minister and acting President Hwang Kyo-ahn said.

The decision was revealed by Justice Lee Jung-mi Friday in a live broadcast that gripped the nation.

"We announce the decision as the unanimous opinion of all judges. We dismiss the defendant President Park," said Lee.

* dismiss : (사람을)보내다[물러가게 하다/해산시키다], (생각, 느낌을)떨쳐 버리다, (고려할 가치가 없다고)물살[일축]하다

* defendant : (재판에서)피고

South Korea's political stability is crucial to the security of the region -- it is a key buttress against North Korea, its provocative neighbor, and a major trading partner with the US and its Asian neighbors.

* crucial : 중대한, 결정적인

* buttress : (벽의)지지대, 부벽, 지지하다, 힘을 실어 주다

* provocative : 도발적인, 화를 돋우려는

Here are the main developments from the day:

- South Korea's first female president becomes the first to be ousted as a result of impeachment.

- Now stripped of her immunity, Park is liable to prosecution for the scandal that brought about her ouster.

- Pro-and anti-Park protests throng the streets of the capital.

- Park supporters have been cordoned off by police;they're trying to reach the court which handed down the decision.

- Injuries have been reported as emotions run high in the protests.

- North Korea says Park will be investigated "as a common criminal."

* liable : (무엇의 비용을 지불할)법적 책임이 있는

* be liable to : ~하기 쉽다, ~에 책임이 있다

* prosecution : 기소, 소추; 고발

* ouster : 축출

* throng : 인파, 군중, (떼를 지어)모여들다[모여 있다]

* cordon something off : 저지선을 치다, (비상 경계선을 치고)사람들의 출입을 통제하다

* hand down : (결정, 진술 등을 공식적으로) 내리다[공표하다]

Park is the first South Korean president to be thrown out of office by the court. An election for her replacement must be held within 60 days, with Hwang, the acting President, to set the day.

Park's ouster means she loses the protection from prosecution she enjoyed as president. She could now face a formal investigation into her role in the corruption scandal which led to her impeachment.

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